Computerized management of a 10-space mini-parking lot

Une image contenant plastique, boîte à outils du charpentier, intérieur, outil

Description générée automatiquement



This file concerns the computerized management of a 10-space car park symbolized by a model controlled by an application developed in Visual Basic for Arduino card (B4R).


NB – This A4 format parking model is specifically adapted to small cars ( 1/64th scale models).



1 – Construction of the car park model


Une image contenant texte, diagramme, nombre, capture d’écran

Description générée automatiquement


Plan of the mini-parking lot in A4 format with the locations of the electronic components

Une image contenant outil, sol, construction, marteau

Description générée automatiquement

Start of construction

Une image contenant outil, intérieur, plastique, fils électriques

Description générée automatiquement

Installation of the traditional opening gate and the servomotor securely screwed onto its metal support

Une image contenant bâtiment, Modèle réduit, en bois, intérieur

Description générée automatiquement

Installation of entry and exit buttons, traffic lights, entry (blue) and exit (white) control LEDs

Une image contenant intérieur, mur, sol, en bois

Description générée automatiquement

Zoom on the attachment of the gate to the servomotor – General switch installed

Une image contenant Appareils électroniques, intérieur, câble, Ingénierie électronique

Description générée automatiquement

Location 2-line, 16-character LCD screen with integrated I2C interface

Une image contenant fils électriques, câble, ingénierie, fourniture d’électricité

Description générée automatiquement

The very light LCD screen in this new form is attached to the fence by two small plastic ties and to the wooden partition by a small wood screw

Une image contenant texte, Appareils électroniques, Ingénierie électronique, Appareil électronique

Description générée automatiquement

LCD screen in operation

Une image contenant mur, intérieur, signe, en bois

Description générée automatiquement

Entry and exit control area

Une image contenant plastique, boîte à outils du charpentier, intérieur, outil

Description générée automatiquement

Location of 3.7 Volt Li-Ion rechargeable batteries (3.7 volts x 2 = 7.4 volts)

Une image contenant Appareils électroniques, fils électriques, Ingénierie électronique, câble

Description générée automatiquement

Technical area

2 – Electronic and other components used


- 1 Arduino UNO board or similar

- 1 LCD screen with 2 lines of 16 characters with its integrated I2C interface

- An MG996R servomotor and its metal support

- Two 3.7 V Li-ion rechargeable batteries (Total 7.4 volts)

- Support for 2 Li-ion batteries

- A general switch

- A pre-wired traffic light element with built-in resistors

- 1 white LED protected by a 220 Ohms resistor

- 1 blue LED protected by a 220 Ohms resistor

- 2 push buttons

- Cords and wires of various colors for various connections





This connection panel also allows you to carry out a temporary installation allowing you to test the program and components



3 – Program scenario written in Visual BASIC for ARDUINO (B4R)


As vehicles enter and exit, the program calculates the number of places available. If all 10 spaces are occupied, the parking lot is full, and the red light comes on. In this case, if the entry button is pressed, the parking barrier will not open and the light will remain red. The LCD screen will display: « Parking Full – Wait for a Car to Exit. » The entry button will remain disabled as long as the parking lot is full.


On the LCD screen placed above the entrance gate, the number of available places is permanently displayed and updated with each vehicle movement.

On the other hand, if a vehicle leaves the parking lot freeing up a space, the red light will be replaced by the green light, the entry button will be reactive dans therefore it will be possible to open the barrier again for the entry of a vehicle. 


The yellow light comes on (in addition to the green light) when there is only one space left in the parking lot. The LCD screen displays: “1 free place “


The exit button is located inside the parking lot. This button only triggers the opening of the barrier if there are vehicles remaining in the parking lot. If the parking lot is empty, the exit button is automatically deactivated.


The entry button causes the lighting of the blue LED which will remain lit for the duration of the entry maneuver of a vehicle, on the LCD screen will be displayed: “INCOMING VEHICLE” and the entry button will be disabled as long as the blue LED is lit. The exit button will also be blocked during this phase.


The exit button causes the white LED to light up, which will remain lit for the duration of the vehicle exit maneuver, on the LCD screen will be displayed: “EXITING VEHICLE” and the exit button will be disabled as long as the white LED is on. The enter button will also be blocked during this phase.


The ARDUINO UNO board (or similar) keeps in memory the B4R algorithm of the program that was recorded, even when turned off. This program will remain in memory until it has been replaced by another application. The B4R “MiniParkingA4” program will therefore allow the management of entry and exit buttons, the switching on of lights, the management of available spaces, the display of information on the LCD screen and finally the opening and closing of the barrier of this parking lot.


General power is provided by the use of two 3.7 Volts Li-ion batteries (Total: 7.4 Volts). A general switch allows you to turn the system on and off.

Note that turning the system off and then turning it on causes the initially established values to be reset at the start, namely the number of available places set at 3 at start-up. You must modify line n° 40 of the B4R program and upload it to the Arduino Board to change this initial value.

(See detailed program to download in PDF version)


Une image contenant intérieur, table, mur, en bois

Description générée automatiquement



4 - Download



Download the B4R program in English versionProgram algorithm in PDF version


Download the B4R program in French version - Program algorithm in PDF version



Video1   -   Video2  -  Video3